1867 August 22 Letter to Henry Lunt


1867 August 22 Letter to Henry Lunt


Brigham would like to hear Lunt's argument concerning his right to build a mill on the creek.


Financial/Legal Matters


Brigham Young


Henry Lunt


1867 August 22


Great Salt Lake City
Cedar City, Iron County

Number of Pages



Legal Matters
Business Matters

President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
August 22nd, 1867.

Bishop Hy. Lunt,
Cedar City, Iron Co.

Dear Brother:

I have received a letter from Bros. W.C. Stewart and H.A. Chaffin of Cedar City, in which they state that they purchased the old mill at Cedar, the grant of which was given to Bro's. Snow and Bosnell. They sent to the States for a mill which they have received. They would have torn down the old mill; but the Parowan Mill being stopped, it was deemed advisable to let it stand for awhile. They say that you have known of this; but nevertheless you and Bro. Gates have commenced to put <up> a frame mill a mile above the City limits. They, knowing that there was not enough grinding for two mills at Cedar, offered to sell out to you and withdraw; but you took no notice of their offer.

They view your proceedings as an infringement of their rights, as, they state, that the grant they bought,give them the sole right to build on the creek; or as the ordinance reads "no grant shall be given to buildany mill above them to their injury."

The above is the substance of their statement, and I should like to hear from you on the subject.

With love

Your Brother,
Brigham Young