1867 September 21 Letter to Henry G. Boyle


1867 September 21 Letter to Henry G. Boyle


Elder Rudd will likely be removed from the Presidency. Many listen to Elder Brown while others harden their hearts. The Indians are quiet but the grasshoppers are damaging crops.


Indian Affairs


George Q. Cannon


Henry G. Boyle


1867 September 21


Great Salt Lake City
Springville, Tazewell County, Virginia

Number of Pages



Church Discipline
Missionary Work
Indian Affairs

President's Office,
Great Salt Lake City,
September 21, 1867.

Elder Henry G. Boyle
Springville, Tazewell Co. Va.

Dear Brother Henry:

Your letter of July 19th came to hand while we were on a visit to Bear Lake Valley, from which we returned on the 18th instant. It has been perused with much pleasure, and the news it contains duly noted. Elder Rudd's conduct is utterly inexcusable, and he cannot very well escape condemnation. It is probable that he will be superseded in the Presidency at Saint Louis, and the man whose name you mention appointed to take charge.

We have great hopes that you will be very successful in your labors in the ministry in the States. The news from Brother Brown is very gratifying; he seems to be full of the spirit of his mission, and the people are listening eagerly to his testimony and instructions. You all have our faith and prayers constantly exerted in your behalf. The Lord has been pleading with the nation in a terrible manner. Oh! that they would hear His voice and turn from their sins and accept the life and salvation which he offers. There seems to be a breathing spell, that can not be very long, given to the people to reflect and see the folly of their course; but the majority will doubtless harden their hearts and become more calloused than ever in everything that is evil, and more determined to pursue their own evil course. Still there are doubtless many honest in heart who only want to hear the truth to understand and embrace it, and accept it as a great salvation.

Here at home we are having a very peaceful time. The Indian difficulties have measureably subsided. Our people have been very vigilant in San Pete this season, and many attempts of the Indians to steal have been foiled, and they have suffered the loss of several men. Black Hawk has had an interview with Superintendent Head, and professed to be anxious for peace. He started off after the interview, ostensibly, to put an end to hostilities among his followers, who were scattered over quite an extent of country. Times are very dull in monetary matters, and business men complain of the tightness of the money market. Our crops are generally good. The grasshoppers have done damage in many places in the north, and they are laying their eggs in great quantities through this county. The people have been counselled to take care of their breadstuff and prepare for next year. We had a most pleasant visit to the settlements north. We travelled three hundred miles and held twenty-five meetings in sixteen days. The people feel remarkably well, and union, peace and prosperity prevail through all the settlements.

We shall be pleased to hear from you at any time. Accept of my love, and may God bless you in all your labors and bring you home in safety and peace is the prayer of your brother

Geo. Q. Cannon