1867 September 30 Letter to H. G. Boyle & H. K. Coray


1867 September 30 Letter to H. G. Boyle & H. K. Coray


The Elders have avoided political controversy and the people have been open to their message. Those not of the faith may not find Utah desirable. Information for next year's emigration will be accurate closer to departure. The current emigration is two weeks out.




Brigham Young


H. G. Boyle & H. K. Coray


1867 September 30


Great Salt Lake City
Burk's Garden, Virginia

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Church Leadership
Building and Construction

President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
September 30th, 1867

Elder H. G. Boyle & H. K. Coray
Burk's Garden
Tazewell Co. Va.

Dear Brother:

A letter has been received from you under date of the 3rd instant giving us information respecting your travels and labors on the way to your present location and after your arrival there. The news you send is very cheering. It is always pleasing to hear of the people manifesting a disposition to listen and receive the principles of truth. Our faith and prayers are constantly exerted in your behalf that you may be successful in bringing many to the knowledge of the gospel. You state that you mind your own business, and preach and teach the principles of life and salvation, and let other people's religion and politics alone. This is the course in which you should persevere. You can not too carefully refrain from political controversies, or from making attacks upon individuals or parties. By preaching the pure principles of the gospel the eyes of the honest will be opened, and they will see and bow in obedience to the truth. You speak about a good many inquiring concerning the best plan of emigrating to this country with you when you return. Are we to understand that these persons are not of our people, and are coming out here prompted by other motives than those which actuate the Saints when they come here? If so, there is really but little chance for them. This is a good country for Saints to dwell in; but for those who have not our faith to sustain them, probably it is not so suitable at present as some other places.

At the present time we can scarcely tell how it will be with the Rail Road next season. If people have the means to come to the terminus they would save time, and the amount they would have to spend for provisions for the journey would almost make the difference in the price of the fare. But the difficulty would be in getting teams there to bring them through; for the better obtaining of them the river would be the best starting point. This is a matter, however, that at present, we can not say much about. By the time you need the information you will doubtless be able to obtain a knowledge as to which will be the best course to pursue.

My sons -- Brigham, Jr., John W. and Oscar, also Brigham Jr's. family and a number of other returned missionaries have arrived here in good health and Spirits. They have come in ahead of the train of emigrants, who, we expect will reach here within two weeks. They encountered a very severe storm somewhere in the neighborhood of the South Pass; but with this exception and a few accidents, there journey has been a very pleasant one.

We expect our New Tabernacle to be completed sufficiently, this week, for us to hold our fall conference in, commencing on next Sunday. The zeal that has been displayed on this building is very commendable. All is peace in the City, though at present there is considerable sickness among the children.

With love, in which Presidents Kimball and Wells and Bro. Geo. Q. join, and praying the Lord to bless you, to prosper you on your missions and to bring you home in health and purity when they shall be ended

I remain
Your Brother

Bigham Young

P. S.
Brother Boyle's last letter was directed to Springville Tazewell Co. Va.
B. Y.