1867 October 21 Letter to D. B. Maxham


1867 October 21 Letter to D. B. Maxham


Brigham requests that his flour be delivered to E. F. Green, his account settled and a receipt mailed.




Brigham Young


D. B. Maxham


1867 October 21


Great Salt Lake City
Virginia City, Montana


Business Matters

Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
Oct 21, 1867.

D. B. Maxham Esq.
Successor to Messrs Housel & Andrews,
successor to Messrs Tutt & Donnell.
Virginia City M. T.

Dr. Sir:

Your favor of 4th ult was duly received. Please deliver all of my flour in your hands, after paying yourself for the proper charges, out of the same, to the bearer E. F. Green Esq. I will here say that my agreement for Storage with Mr Donnell was for $1.00 per sack whether for 1 month of 5 years-- it was all the same, and as regards interest on amt advanced on the flour I did not suppose there would be any as the flour was held for it -- and of course enough could be disposed of at once to repay the amt advanced, but if such is not your way, I would suggest to the Commission Houses of Montana the propriety of moderation in their charges for interest on advances if they hope for patronage. Please send me an Acct of your settlement of my Account by mail as well as a statement by Mr Green, and oblige

Very Respectfully,

Brigham Young
pr T. W. Ellerbeck