1867 October 29 Letter to C. C. Rich


1867 October 29 Letter to C. C. Rich


A new site is chosen for the town of Goshen. Loads of rock are hauled for the temple construction. Declarations for town sites is beneficial and the law should be followed.




Brigham Young


C. C. Rich


1867 October 29


Great Salt Lake City
Paris, Richland County


Salt Lake Temple
Legal Matters

President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City
Octr. 29th, 1867.

President C. C. Rich
Paris, Richland Co.

Dear Brother:

As Bro. Jonathan Pugmire is over from your place, and is about to leave I take the opportunity of writing to you by him.

Everything has been moving along quietly since you were here at Conference, and the people are feeling very well, the fine weather giving them an excellent opportunity to accomplish their fall labor. I visited Goshen after Conference and selected a new site for their town -- a spot east of Gardnersville which seems to give satisfaction and to which the people will remove as soon as possible

The men of our city and county are out in camp attending to the annual drill. There will be a review tomorrow. 

The call which was made at Conference for rock for the Temple is being responded to with great cheerfulness and the teams are coming in very lively with loads of rock. The only fear now is that our quarrymen can not get it out fast enough to supply the teams. The various wards appear to feel great interest in furnishing their quota.

There is one matter which I wish to call your attention, and that is the filing of your declarations for town sites. There is a great amount of indifference felt by the brethren throughout the Territory on this point. This should not be. The law is an important one and very beneficial to us, and we should avail ourselves of its provisions -- take the necessary steps to survey and get our plats and file declarations. The law on the subject has been published in the Deseret News. You can learn what is necessary to be done from that, and you should take immediate steps in your valley to secure your town sites.

With love Your Brother
Brigham Young

P. S. Enclosed please find a digest of the law.