1867 November 8 Letter to A. M. Burns


1867 November 8 Letter to A. M. Burns


The mail has been unreliable and the forwarded grape roots did not reach Utah.




Brigham Young


A. M. Burns


1867 November 8


Great Salt Lake City
Riley County, Kansas




Great Salt Lake City,
November 8th, 1867.

A. M. Burns, Esq.
Box 67, Manhattan P. O.
Riley Co. Kansas.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of April 20th came duly to hand. In it you state that you have mailed to my address a couple of small grape roots -- the Swan and the Huntington. I regret to say that the package never reached me. The mails were frequently interrupted in the early part of the Season and quantities of mail matter were left by the road side and destroyed. In this way I account for the non-arrival of the package which you were so kind as to forward to me. I have shown your letter to the Hons. W. H. Hooper and John M. Bernhisel. They both have facilities for planting, especially the former. Mr. Hooper leaves here for Washington on Sunday evening next to meet with Congress.

With many thanks for your courtesy
I remain Respectfully

Brigham Young