1867 November 8 Letter to George Nebeker


1867 November 8 Letter to George Nebeker


Brigham advises not to comment on the sale of Walter Gibson's property. He is pleased with the baptisms in Kauai. Conference topics included emigrating the poor, temple construction, marriage, and the word of wisdom. Men were called to settle in the south.




Brigham Young


George Nebeker


1867 November 8


Great Salt Lake City
Laie, Oahu, Sandwich Islands

Number of Pages



The Tabernacle
Missionary Work
Building and Construction
Salt Lake Temple
The Word of Wisdom


President's Office,
Great Salt Lake City,
Nov'r. 8th, 1867.

President George Nebeker,
Laie, Oahu, Sandwich Islands.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of September 24th, with accompanying enclosure, being the letter of Walter M. Gibson to you, has been received. The terms on which he proposes to sell are such that I do not think it advisable to have anything to say to him about the matter. It is very evident from his own description of the property that he has that his profession of Mormonism has not been unprofitable to him, whatever others may have experienced in their association with him.

We are pleased to hear from you that you are all feeling so well. The news of the baptism of new members on the Island of Kauai is very gratifying, as, from accounts, the addition of new members is rather rare at present.

We have had a very pleasant fall thus far and the health of the people generally is good. We had a very fine Conference which was held in our New Tabernacle. The attendance was very large and much valuable instruction was given to the people on practical religion. Among other items, the gathering of the poor from England was dwelt upon, and a call was made upon the people to subscribe what they could to gather the Saints from that land home to Zion. There is much interest being felt on this subject, and though money is scarce, I have no doubt that considerable will be raised for this purpose, especially if the people be encouraged in their efforts. A call was also made upon this, Davis, Weber, Box elder, Tooele and Utah Counties, and the counties east of this, for teams to haul fifteen hundred loads of rock for the Temple, the people being required to furnish, besides their teams, teamsters and the provender and food necessary for the animals and men. This call has been responded to with great alacrity, the only difficulty being that the supply of rock has not been sufficient to furnish loads to the teams which have come to haul. Now that we have got the tabernacle pretty well advanced we feel to turn our attention to the Temple. The Spirit whispers that this will be right. Besides these subjects the "Word of Wisdom" was again urged upon the people with force, and matters of education also received attention. One hundred and Sixty-two elders, chiefly young men were called to go to the southern part of our Territory to strengthen the Settlements there. Those who were unmarried were required to take to themselves wives before going. A number have complied with this latter counsel, and the hearts of the people in the South will be made glad by this timely succor. The subject of marriage has been urged upon our young people of late, and as a result, marriages are increasing. There has been some apathy felt on this subject by many young men, but we look for a different condition of feeling to take its place. A few elders were also called to go on missions to the States. The news that we hear from our elders who are laboring there is very gratifying.

The new Tabernacle is a magnificent place for worship, and the organ that is being built, though there were only 720 pipes completed out of 2000 that it will have when finished, gives every assurance of success. There are some difficulties in the people hearing in the Tabernacle, which we expect to remedy. Every sound rings so much through the building that at some points it is a little difficult to distinguish what is said.

With love, in which Presidents Kimball and Wells and Bro. Geo. Q. join and praying the Lord to bless you, I remain your brother

Brigham Young