1867 November 10 Letter to Heber John Richards


1867 November 10 Letter to Heber John Richards


Richards is chosen to go to New York to be trained as surgeon. If he finds it profitable his brother should also be trained. He is counseled to study diligently, keep a journal and live his religion.




Brigham Young


Heber John Richards


1867 November 10


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages




Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
Nov. 10 1867

Elder Heber Jno Richards -- present

Dear brother:-

When Dr. Lewis A. Sayre was here twelve months ago, he proffered to gratuitously train a student or two in the art of surgery if I would send them to New York. When my son Brigham visited him the past summer he repeated the offer to him. You have been selected to go to New York to study that profession under him. If upon your arrival at New York you should find that Dr Sayre would like to have another student and you should be satisfied that it would be advantageous, you can send over to England to President Franklin D. Richards, and have your brother, Joseph Richards, who is now on a mission there, released and sent over to join you in your studies in New York.

In going on this mission you should be diligent in your studies and permit no opportunity to escape of mastering your profession in all its details. To be proficient and useful you must be thorough.

You will find it to be of great benefit to you in future years if while absent you keep a journal. Every detail connected with important operations that you may see or participate in should be carefully noted by you. In future days you may find such notes useful. Above all you must not forget to pray and call upon your God. constantly to help and deliver you. You are a Latter-day Saint-- you hold the priesthood -- never forget this. By living your religion you will be more respected and beloved than you would be were you to neglect it. There will doubtless be many students with whom you will be obliged to associate -- select for your companion if you can find them those of steady and virtuous habits. Do not let yourself by drawn into bad associations or into quarrels. If any are disposed to persecute you, do not permit yourself to resent their conduct in a low, improper spirit but pursue a high minded, dignified course.

Go with Bro Miles to his meetings every Sunday and preach what you can to the people.

Praying that the Lord will bless and preserve you I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young