1867 November 12 Letter to F. Hodder


1867 November 12 Letter to F. Hodder


The requested books could not be obtained. The money can be returned, or Hodder can obtain the books through William Miles. There is a push to emigrate the poor.




Brigham Young


F. Hodder


1867 November 12


Great Salt Lake City
Gloversville Fulton County, New York




President's Office Gt. Salt Lake City
Nov'r. 12th, 1867

Mr. F. Hodder
Gloversville Fulton Co. N. Y.

Dear Brother:

You forwarded five dollars to be expended in books to be sent to you. The Key to Theology could not be obtained here, the stock being exhausted. The History of Joseph Smith the Prophet, by his mother, Lucy Smith, has been called in, and the edition suppressed on account of errors it contained, it having being published without being first submitted to the First Presidency. On this account your letter was not answered at the time, and thinking you might have moved from where you were living when your letter was sent, I do not return you the money, but have placed it on deposit subject to your order.

By addressing a letter to Mr. Wm. H. Miles, P. O. Box 3957. New York (his Office address 117 John St.) you can probably obtain the books you desire, and he can furnish you every information respecting the emigration.

We are now making an effort to raise means to send to England to gather out the poor. We would like, if possible, to bring from that land all the Saints who desire to come. Money is very scarce here, but there is a good spirit felt by the people in relation to this matter and they are doing what they can.

Praying the Lord to bless you, I remain
Your Brother

Brigham Young

P. S. You can draw on W. H. Miles for amount deposited at this office
B. Y.