1867 November Letter to Franklin D. Richards


1867 November Letter to Franklin D. Richards


The Royal Bank fails. The Saints will be gathered in the Lord's time. Elder's get smallpox and those with lingering poor health should return home. The Holland mission must sustain itself and an Elder should be sent to Belgium.




Brigham Young


Franklin D. Richards


1867 November


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Financial Matters


F. D. Richards
42 Islington, Liverpool, England

Dear Brother,

Your welcome dated Oct.    came to hand and also the 8th inst and trust that you have received the letter in due course of mail was organized some two weeks since and we waiting advice from you. After carefully perusing your letter and accompanying clippings I am of the opinion that but little loss will be sustained by it may prove a great inconvenience to us over there. When the liquidation of their liabilities has become a mere matter of time. However this may be God will direct the hearts of men, and by a patient observance of their duty the Saints will be gathered in the due time of the Lord. You make your deposits at the Branch Bank of England for the present. No doubt the excitement on account of the failure of the Royal Bank will cause others to become unsteady. This matter, however, must be directed by you according to the best light you can obtain on this subject

These brethren, who have suffered by small pox [have?] had fresh opportunity to prove their faith in God, and their perfect confidence in these blessings which were pronounced upon their heads previous to their leaving home by the assistance rendered them by friends even in a land of strangers. God bless these brethren and the elders who are exposed to that loathsome disease; but where there are cases of brethren having poor health through the dampness of the climate, send them home, for there are plenty to preach with whom the climate does agree.

As much as I regret the partial closing of the mission in Holland, I cannot advise you to incur additional expense to support the cause of truth in the midst of that people; for ample time has passed and that part of the and should now sustain itself.

If you think it advisable, send an enterprising elder to Belgium; and I would suggest Carl G. Maesar as the most suitable person for that Mission; but in this you must act according to circumstances and as the Spirit may direct you. I am pleased that Bro. Weidenborg is advocating the principles of the gospel in places heretofore