1867 December 17 Letter to Reuben McBride


1867 December 17 Letter to Reuben McBride


McBride may need to return home due to his illness.




Brigham Young


Reuben McBride


1867 December 17


Great Salt Lake City


Missionary work

Presidents Office
Dec. 17th /67

Reuben McBride

Dear Brother:-

Your letter has been received and I am much pleased to hear of your safe arrival in England although I can but regret your being afflicted in the head and neck.

In consideration of your present weakness it would be, perhaps, better for you to come home, If you do this you have plenty of time to write to your friends or your family and have them forward you what means you may need to defray the expenses of your journey home. Bro. Preston and perhaps others will be leaving L. pool several weeks previous to the emigration & you might cross the ocean with him or them, if you wish you to visit your friends in the States.

The weather has been remarkable fine this fall General good health prevails, and the progress of the Kingdom is all its warmest friends could desire

Praying God to bless you I remain your brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young