1868 January 1 Letter to John Brown


1868 January 1 Letter to John Brown


Missionary work prospers in Europe and the States. Trade is improving. D. M. Stewart is called as the St. Lewis branch president. There is flooding in Utah, especially in Box Elder. Donations to the Emigration fund increase. Lucy C. Grant dies.




Brigham Young


John Brown


1868 January 1


Great Salt Lake City
Du Quoin, Illinois

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Church Leadership


President's Office
G. S. L. City U. T.
Jan. 1st 1868.

Mr. John Brown
Du Quoin, Ill.

Dear Brother:-Your most welcome favor written at St Louis dated 10 ult. came to hand several days ago; it affords us great pleasure to hear of the prosperity of work, and we have been made twice glad for accounts from England are also quite flattering, and the brethren are leaving no stone unturned to carry the Gospel to the honest. The success with which the labors of the Elders have been blessed in our native land will cause the hearts of thousands to rejoice for they will behold in your present success the forerunner of the conversion of the honest in heart who have for many years been deprived of the Gospel, but fresh hope is already springing from the hearts of our people who have prayed with out ceasing that the pure in heart might know God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, whom to know is life eternal.

The nation in which we dwell is surely ripening for destruction, and we opine when the gleaners have gone through and the grapes are gathered. Not many years will role away before the sceptre will pass into the hands of the righteous, and the people who possess this land be governed by the oracles of the Almighty

Repeated efforts have been made by the influential men of this people to interupt the stream of trade which is constantly flowing in the wrong channel, and it where it will subsurb the interests of the kingdom of God, and I am of the opinion that measures have been adopted that will eventually crown our labors with success and the saints be left to themselves to purchase their own goods either in California or the New York market.

Your presence in St Louis will in our estimation have a very beneficial effect upon the people, and I am pleased with the course you have taken in the case of bro. L. D. Rudd; neither will the Saints of that branch be the losers by the exchange of presidents, for bro. D. M. Stewart is a man in whom I have the utmost confidence, and I have no doubt that branch of the church will flourish and increase in number under his watch care;

The elders who are sent to the nations of the earth are sent to preach and teach fallen men the gospel, but when they fall into transgression they may attempt to teach the people, but their converts are generally corrupt at heart for they partake of the same spirit which has actuated the teacher -- as with the priest so with the people.

The weather has been somewhat stormy, and very little out door work has been done during the last few weeks, but still we have had only a few frosty nights, and during the day when the sun does show himself the air becomes balmy and pleasant reminding us much more of beautiful spring than gloomy winter. In consequence of much rain streams have risen rapidly and considerable damage has been done in various localities. I think they have suffered more in the south than elsewhere, especially at a settlement called the Beaver dams which has suffered seriously, only three houses having been left standing, and the others swept away by the flood, so far as we are able to learn no lives were lost during the destruction of property. Weber and Provo have been very high and many of the smaller streams in the kanyons have swept away the bridges, and much damage done to dug ways and levees.

Donations to assist the poor to emigrate are quite frequent and we are sanguine that the people will step forward in this matter and with the blessings of the Lord, many who now pine in bondage, will be liberated another season. If the Saints who dwell in this Territory were to subscribe the means which they an well spare every honest person who has identified their interests with the Kingdom of God, might be emigrated next season.

The sudden and wholly unexpected death of Mrs. Lucy C. Grant, formerly Lucy Spencer, is much regreted by her relations and friends. Her child is doing well, and good prospect of its living.

General good health prevails in the city and the Saints are improving in the things of God. What ever inroads the Arch <enemy> is making, none but those whom we can well spare are turning from the truth.

Praying God to bless you I remain
Your brother in Christ.

Brigham Young