1868 January 7 Letter to F. D. Richards


1868 January 7 Letter to F. D. Richards


The British Mission prospers. Elders must excercise patients with the prejudices of the people. Many follow the word of wisdom. Brigham believes the Cragan bill will fail. Money is scarce so emigration donations are taken in stock and grain.




Brigham Young


F. D. Richards


1868 January 7


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Word of Wisdom


Presidents Office
G S L City
Jan 7 1868

F. D. Richards
42 Islington, Liverpool

Your favor dated 4th ult came to hand on the 20th ult. I was pleased to learn of your continued good health and prosperity and also the excellent prospect which seems to prevail throughout the British Mission for making converts. It can but rejoice the heart of a true believer in the Gospel of Jesus when they behold their fellow men taking an interest in those pure and holy principles which, if practiced are ordained to exalt mankind into the presence of God. Liverpool is certainly doing very well for it, although I believe there may be honest hearted people there who are unduly prejudiced, that would be willing to sacrifice all for the truth if they could break the bands of superstition which bind them. Many people persecute our elders thinking <they are> doing God service; if they knew who they were would answer with their lives. We have proof positive in holy writ <that> this was the case in ancient days and man still dwells in <ignorance> and I presume if Jesus were to appear again among the people and be accounted the son of a carpenter, and yet declaim against the wickedness of the people of this generation as he did among the jews, I have no doubt men would destroy his life if possible. Charity covers a multitude of sins, and the elders certainly need to exercise charity towards the people among whom they are called to labor, not boasting of their blessings, not sumarly condemning the folies of others. We have the gospel to preach unto the children of men in this generation it must be done by and through the Spirit of God which is meek and pure and offendeth not. True we expect to be opposed by the wicked, but kind words turneth away wrath, and no soul was ever snatched from the power of Satan by quarreling with his enemies. What better evidence can a people have that God is willing to fight their battles, than have transpired in our day? None, and when Elders go forth in the might and majesty of the priesthood God will open the way for all who are seeking to know the truth that they perish not.

Great numbers of the people in the Territory have entirely abstained from the use of stimulants, and I am happy to inform you that they seem determined to obey the whisperings of the spirit, which you stated is also making rapid progress among the elders or labor; it is the will of the Lord why should we not do it!'

The receipts came safely to hand with your letter, and Mrs Brooks shall have her money as soon as it may be convenient to send it.

The weather has been very stormy and we are now favored with a driving snow from the north West. But very little snow has fallen this winter. Not a shadow of an excuse for getting the sleighs out, but the present storm may possibly bring sufficient snow for sleighing.

Federal officials are quiet and congress does not seem very anxious to make the Cragan bill a law. It is simply a rehash of Wade's bill with a few paragraphs added, but I think it will be rejected when presented to the Senate and House, if not they are much nearer dissolution than I expected they were. Hooper is actively engaged in making friends, and introduced a bill for the admission of Utah. In presenting this bill we anticipate no particular success, but it will serve to keep them busy with the affairs of Utah

Owing to the great scarcity of money the people of the Territory are too poor (?) to donate cash for emigration purposes; and we are compelled to take stock and grain, and whatever Cash they will bring in the Spring will be added to amount of donations. It is absolutely necessary that the Saints in the old country should do their utmost to help themselves, for money is very scarce at present. We are promised by the Bishops in various parts of the Territory that they will forward money as soon as it can be collected from the people. Rising of nine thousand dollars in green backs have already been paid in a payment secured in a satisfactory manner.

The Saints are enjoying good health as a general thing, and Zion is increasing in the hearts of the people.

The brethren of the Twelve join in kind regards. So also does P. Q. Y. B. Y. Jr. and J. W. Y.

Praying the Lord to bless you,
I remain Your brother in Christ,

Brigham Young