1868 February 3 Letter to D. B. Funk


1868 February 3 Letter to D. B. Funk


The Saints should not seek after gold but to build up God's kingdom. Gold will be hidden, and the righteous will receive salvation.




Brigham Young


D. B. Funk


1868 February 3


Great Salt Lake City
Manti, Sanpete County




Presidents office
Feb. 3rd 1868

D. B. Funk
Manti Sanpete

Dear Brother:-

I am sorry to hear that people will be so foolish as to run after gold seeking that which if found in quantities, which they would like, would make our now peaceful valleys a perfect babel of confusion and strife. God forbid that those professing to be saints should so far forget their duty to their creator as to seek the destruction of themselves their families and the people of God.

You know my faith is that God will hide up the gold and I have seen nothing only that which has strengthened that faith. All who are saints will stay at home and raise food for their families keep the commandments of God, seek earnestly to build up His kingdom. and those who are seeking after the glittering ore, will miss the wealth for which they have <bartered> their standing in the kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord has not shortened his arm neither do our enemies seek our overthrow unobserved by him. We are in His hands and if we will live according to the light which we have received and may in future be revealed to us our salvation is sure

Praying God to bless you with all the faithful I remain

Your brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young