1868 February 4 Letter to William H. Hooper


1868 February 4 Letter to William H. Hooper


Congressional craftiness will not overcome God's purposes. The U. S. Government is divided and weak, but the Saints are abundant, unified and strong. The Government took Fort Bridger without giving compensation. The School of the Prophets is thriving as so is the St. George settlement.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1868 February 4


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



School of the Prophets
Fort Bridger

Salt Lake City
Feb. 4th. 1868

W. H. Hooper
Washington D. C.

Dear Brother:-

Your favor dated 19 ult. has been received and read with pleasure, for it speaks of your good health and general prosperity in your manifold duties. We expect you will continue to be blessed, for <the prayers of> the righteous availeth much, and you are not forgotten when the brethren offer up their humble petitions both in the family circle or at the priesthood meetings.

We can but smile at the fruitless efforts of congress to environ us so completely that we shall be compelled to commit some overt act which would give them a shadow of reason for despoiling, but we are not to be caught, neither can God's purposes be frustrated notwithstanding the high sounding words and determined look of our enemies.

There is but one enemy we fear and he is all powerful to destroy and completely overthrow the people if they permit it. on the other hand if properly instructed, undoubtedly, the best mind that man has in this earthly probation-- self. people are true to the their God. our enemies but kick against the when brought in conflict with the kingdom of God. Man proposes but God disloses, and if this people will continue to seek after righteousness they may bid defiance to the world. We have no reason to complain of the Spirit we see manifested by the Saints, they are willing to go here and there; wherever they may be called for there they find the most happiness. But there are abuses creeping into our Society, of which I do not approve, but I am convinced that in most cases it is the sin of ignorance, but I fear many will suffer in consequence of it, for their opportunities to learn have been abundant.

The School of the Prophets flourishes, and we are now holding meeting in the 14th ward assembly rooms which are pretty well filled and I presume if we admitted all who desire to come the old Tabernacle would scarcely contain the congregation. Our meetings are particularly good, and the most important questions pertaining ecclesiastical and secular affairs ar freely discussed. Yesterday the welfare of the City of Provo was taken into consideration, and I think that the following nomination will prove very satisfactory to all concerned. Abram O. Smoot to be Mayor of Provo City and to preside over the Bishops, of Utah County. Elder John Taylor probate Judge of same Co. W. Woodruff & J. F. Smith were with several others called on to move a part of their families to Provo. Brother Heber C. Kimball and myself have also concluded to move a portion o four families to that City and to reside there a part of the time. You know we have always looked on the site of (that?) city as having many important advantages over any other site in our Territory and we are determined with the help of heaven to redeem this waste place in Zion. What do you say will us when you return?

Next friday accompanied by several of the brethren I intend visiting Provo to commence the renovation of that fair land immediately. True there are some good men in that City but they have sucumed long enough to the spirit of rowdyism which has been the leading spirit in that place from its first settlement if we except the <few> months we lived there during the move in 58.

Business continues dull, we have complaints on every hand, and most of the business men of our City and Territory are cramped for means to meet their liabilities.

The missionaries who were called to the Muddy report most encouragingly of their future prospects, and they are uni(versally) happily disappointed. Yesterday morning telegrams from St George report the thermometer at 55 and the sun shining beautifully, men at work plowing without their coats, build no fires only to prepare their food. A delightful climate where fuel is so very scarce.

Your remarks concerning the perseverance of our enemies to destroy us brought to my mind the impotent efforts of Thomas A. Benton to overthrow this people when they were fleeing before their persecutor through Ioway.

We all do know that the Government is now divided and does not stand in pride of unity and strength which characterized our nation 20 years ago and weakened as we then were harassed by a furious mob, our able bodied men in and what are we now? Nearly a nation with ability to assert our rights, and power to maintain them and survey enough to make a Territory, while our enemies are weakened by disunion and imbecility. Again the same God rules over the destinies of men, and while He is our buckler who can successfully wage war against us. The puny efforts of demagogues to the contrary notwithstanding.

Before the army came out here in 1857, I bought and paid 8000 dollars gold for fort Bridger and the surrounding land which was included in the preemption claim. Government has taken this land without leave, set it aside as a military reservation, I do not see why they should occupy my premises without allowing me a suitable compensation.

Mr Street has paid me 1000 dollars. You were right in sending H. J. Richards the means he desired, and if you will let him have as he may need I will send it you or will pay it here if you prefer it.

Your family are well and having nothing to complain of but your absence.

Praying God to bless you I remain

Your brother in Christ
Brigham Young