1868 February 3 Letter to Charles Russell


1868 February 3 Letter to Charles Russell


Brigham invites all to investigate the Church with a pure heart. Those who live according to the principles in the scriptures are welcome into the fold of Christ.




Brigham Young


Charles Russell


1868 February 3


Great Salt Lake City
Fort Sanders, I. T.

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Salt Lake City
Feb. 3rd 1868

Charles Russell
Fort Sanders I. T.


Your letter under date of 26th ult. came to hand in the course of mail

God has called upon all men to enlist under His banner, I propose to be a soldier of Christ ever ready to defend the right and oppose the evil corruption of the age. My mission is peace on earth and Good will to men, and the gospel of the Son of God will bring about this mellinium if the inhabitants of the earth choose to avail themselves of its blessings. My army consists of those who have covenanted to obey the law of God and to teach that law to all people, not with the sword in one hand and Coxan in the other, and if they should reject the one the other is incontenintly cramed down their throats, but by teaching pure principles unto the children of men we hope to be the humble instruments in the hands of God of bringing fallen man back into the presence of his Creator.

If you wish to take the Scriptures for your guide and live according to the principles therein contained and trust God as we do for subsistance we welcome all such persons into the true fold of Christ.

The Apostle says "try all things and hold fast that which is good." Let all men investigate with a pure heart and a contrite Spirit that which the Latter day saints have to offer which has been revealed for all His children and God will show them the light, that they need no more sit in darkness.

Truly Yours.
Brigham Young