1868 February 5 Letter to John Brown


1868 February 5 Letter to John Brown


Brother Rudd should return to Utah. Brigham prays for success for Brothers Stewart and Dusenberry. Those desiring passage on the U. P. R. R. should contact H. B. Clawson. Fifty men are sought to assist the poor to cross the plains.




Brigham Young


John Brown


1868 February 5


Great Salt Lake City
Du Quoin, Illinois


Missionary Work

Presidents Office
Salt Lake City
Feb. 5th 1868

John Brown
Du Quoin, Ill.

Dear Brother:-

I am well pleased with the labors of those who are preaching the gospel to the people of the south and the patience manifested by the excellent people who compose the branch in St Louis, may the blessing of heaven attend the labors of bro. D. M. Stewart that the honest of that city may be gathered into the true Church. If brother Rudd will return to Utah and behave properly he may yet make himself useful in the Kingdom, but his mind is not properly balanced for stearing clear of the shoals and rocks which abound in the world.

The prospects of brother Dusenberry are quite flattering; it is but a few years since it was as much as a man's life was worth to attempt to preach the gospel within the limits of any state north or south. We earnestly desire the favor and blessings of the Almighty to rest upon Bro. D. and other Elders who are laboring under your directions, and may the spirit of God continue to abide with you in your travels and labors in the midst of the people.

If there are any of our people who wish to hire a passage from the terminus of the U. P. R. R. to this City, they will have no difficulty in securing conveyance by applying to H. B. Clawson or giving names, number in family, weight of luggage etc. and if the saints will provide their own food, please state as much.

These particulars are necessary to enable bro. Clawson to forward a list of all such persons to those who may have charge of the teams at the end of the railroad and will also enable him to supply them with R. R. to Cheyenne at pro. rata rates.

Communicate with bro. Miles of New York and if in your several fields you can find a sufficient number say 50 men who have the means and wish to cross the plains from the Mo River with their own outfit send the means and information to our agent at New York as early as possible that wagons and cattle may be purchased and ready for the people when they reach the Mo. River. If you cannot find a sufficient number to be perfectly safe crossing the plains, it will be the better way for them to come to the terminus of the railroad, but it will perhapes be impossible for them to purchase an outfit at that point.

The teams will be sent to the terminus expressly to bring the poor who desire to gather for the gospel's sake.

Keep Bro. H. B. Clawson posted as to your whereabouts and if you have not his address write to Box 3957. P. O. New York.

Praying God to bless you I remain
Your brother in Christ,

Brigham Young