1868 February 6 Letter to George Nebeker


1868 February 6 Letter to George Nebeker


A. M. Lyman interacts little with the Saints. The Hawaiian Islanders continue in unbelief. Nebeker may stay or return home but he should not buy more property. There is an effort to build up Provo. Frost on the fruit trees is a concern.




Brigham Young


George Nebeker


1868 February 6


Great Salt Lake City
Laie Oahu, Sandwich Islands

Number of Pages



Missionary Work


Salt Lake City,
Feb. 6th. 1868

George Nebeker,
Laie Oahu,
Sandwich Islands.

Dear Brother:-

Your letter bearing date Dec. 6th came to hand days ago, but through press of business has remained unanswered until now.

Bro. A. M. Lyman continues to absent himself from the meetings, and is laboring at his bench for the support of his family, as far as we can learn. He avoids the elders and seems to have but little fellowship with the Saints. It is grievous to see individuals cast from them the only ray of light which has beamed upon the children of men for so many ages, but all that can be shaken will be stricken. Man has defiled the earth beneath him, and from your letters and the report of those brethren with whom I have conversed the Islanders are not one whit behind in the corruptions of modern civilization. It is almost discouraging to learn of the unbelief of the Islanders after so much has been done by the Elders to allevia<te> their condition by teaching them the gospel which seems to have made but little impression on their minds.

Buy no more land, and if you feel as though you had fulfilled your missions you are at liberty to sell out and come home. Your own judgement must dictate you in this matter. on the other hand if you feel to remain may the blessing of God attend you, and whether you accomplish much or little you have served the purpose of the Almighty, and he will bless you and your household

The winter has been tolerably favorable but this morning the trees are heavy with frost, which if it continues long enough may impare the fruit crop another season. Be that as it may we are living in peace and plenty. To day is held as a fast and we propose if each ward send a days rations to the Bishop whereby the wants of the poor are abundantly supplied, and no man has the least occasion to murmur at the providences of God.

The School of the Prophets is kept up with great benefit to the elders, much additional light has been given to many, and the Lord is not slow to hear our prayers.

Bro. Kimball and myself purpose moving a part of our families to Provo and residing there a part of the time. Several of the brethren have been called to move there although most of them will retain residences <in this city.> A. O. Smoot has been nominated for Mayor and John Taylor Probate Judge of Provo; bro. Woodruff and J. F. Smith have been called to reside a portion of the time in that City.

I intend visiting Provo, and shall leave this City tomorrow morning D. V. General good health prevails; Emiline is better and we have great cause to thank the Lord.

Praying God to bless you
I remain Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young