1868 February 12 Letter to F. D. Richards


1868 February 12 Letter to F. D. Richards


Money will be sent to cover the listed financial drafts. A requested is made to emigrate an Italian family.




Brigham Young


F. D. Richards


1868 February 12


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Financial Matters


Salt Lake City, U. T.
Feb. 12, 1868

Elder F. D. Richards
42 Islington, Liverpool

Dear bro:  Since my last advice of 1st inst I have drawn on you the following Drafts.

          No.1137 favor Henry Davies                                 £   8. 0. 0
                1138   "   Job Evans                                          16.18. 0        
                1139   "   Jane North                                            7 14 7
                1140   "   Hannah Wiseman                                   9 3 0
                1141   "   Charles Tarplee                                  14. 1. 7
                1143   "   C. V. Spencer                                       9. 3. 0
                1144   "   Esther Evans                                      32. 0. 9
                1145   "        do    do                                            4. 0. 0
                1146   "   Michael Theurer                                10.10. 0
Enclosed  1147   "   Mary Judd & Fred Judd Family          16 11 0
    do.       1162  Proceeds of Dft #707 to be paid to them 
                           favor Mary Judd & Fred Judd & family     2 15 2
    do.       1148   favor George Hunter Missionary               7 11 6
                1149   "    Thomas Aubrey,                                  6 18 0
                1150   "    Amott                                                     5 0 0
Enclosed 1151   "    Wm Perkins                                           4 2 9

                 No 1152  favor Sarah Tyrrell,                           £  2 17 11
                       1153   "    Mrs. Ellsmore,                                   8 1 0
                       1154   "    Jos. J. Williams                                 3 9 0
(Enclosed)      1155   "    ◊el B. Preston                                   4 0 0
(shd be 1156) 1154   "    Jno Randall.                                      3 9 0
                       1157   "    Ed Jessup                                     13 10 4
                       1158   "    Feramorz Little for emign use         8 19 3
                       1159           do    do    do.                              35 17 3
                       1160         James Allen.                                   15 0 0
                       1161         Griffith Roberts                                 4 0 0

As I informed you on the 1st inst., bros H. B. Clawson, & W. C. Staines leave here on the 17th inst. for New York. On their arrival, Bro. Staines will either cross the water with the money, or they will communicate with you on the emigration business, in such a way as will enable you to obtain the needful funds. As to the amount that we can send to you, or that will be placed in our hands for the emigration of the poor, I do not yet know how much it will be, but as we have drawn on you since 1st of Sept last about £1200. will relieve you as fast as possible. I hope they will be able to transmit to your shortly after their arrival about . . . . £3000. I shall send you a list of persons to be brought out from England in a few days.

Brigham Young

P. S.
There is a family whose address is given below who are represented to be the only family of saints in Italy, and it is my wish -- if they are still saints and worthy, that they be brought out by the P. E. F. Co if they are unable to come without aid Please make the necessary inquiries & if you find them right, let them come.

Brigham Young

"Daniel Justet
a Vivian enver Ponache -- par Perouse -- Pignerolo. Piedmont.