1868 February 13 Letter to the Studebaker Brothers


1868 February 13 Letter to the Studebaker Brothers


Brigham gives the specifications of the wagon used by the Saints.




Brigham Young


Studebaker Brothers


1868 February 13


Gerat Salt Lake City
St Joseph, MO


Business Matters

Salt Lake City
Feb. 13th. /68

Studebaker Bros.,
St Joseph Mo

Gentlemen:-- Your favor 24th ult duly received and I submit the following as being the proportions of the wagon which obtain in this country.

Thimble Skein arm 31/2 in at Shoulder 21/2 in. at point. Length of hub 12 in. diameter 81/2 in. Depth of felloes 21/4 in. width 1 3/4 Tyre 3/4 in thick Length of hounds and reach 4 ft. 9 in. and 8 ft. Width of track 5 ft. Width of bed 3 ft. 6 in. Length do 12 ft. Best white oak for felloes. Pepperidge hubs and the rest of the wood work best hickory.

Heighth of hind wheel <4 ft 3 in including tyre> heighth of fore wheel 3 ft. 7 in do.

Yours very truly.
Brigham Young