1868 March 11 Letter to K. F. Beals


1868 March 11 Letter to K. F. Beals


The railroad company and the Sweetwater mines will increase labor, trade and money. Crops were damaged by grasshoppers. It is unlikely that Beals' machine will sell.




Brigham Young


K. F. Beals


1868 March 11


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Sweetwater Mine
Financial Matters


Salt Lake City,
March 11, 1868.

Mr. K. F. Beals
Oregon City, Oregon.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor of the 20th ult. is to hand and I was much gratified to learn of your welfare and of the general good health of your family, regretting that Darwin has been so much afflicted with rheumatism

Money is very scarce here and business, as a consequence, dull. It is now expected that the U. P. Railroad Company will, ere long begin grading inside our borders, which will open another channel for labor, produce, &c. to be paid for with money, which will tend to enliven business operations. The Sweetwater mines are expected to depend somewhat upon Utah for beef, flour, &c. and, if successful, will also add to our supply of money.

The grasshoppers so preyed upon our crops last season that at present there is not the usual surplus of various products, but we have enough to eat, are in good spirits, and are getting along about the same as when you was here.

Owing to the scarcity of money, as already stated, I am not at present aware of any chance for selling the machines you mention, though an opportunity may present itself during the Season.

My health, that of my family and of people generally is good.

Any instructions you may wish to give in regard to the Machines, or other matters, will be cheerfully attended to, so far as possible, by

Truly your friend,
Brigham Young