Salt Lake City,
March 14, 1868.
Elder John Brown,
Du Quoin, Illinois.
Dear Brother:
Since my last letter to you, Feb. 5, I have received letters from Elders Dusenberry and Crosby, giving very good accounts of their labors, to the former of whom I wrote a reply on the 8th, and to the latter on the 13th inst.
In my letter to br. Crosby, learning that money is very scarce in the south, and understanding that in such cases property can very often be exchanged for other property to a much better advantage than for money, I wrote that it would probably be best, for those wishing to come here this season,inasmuch as they could not sell out to advantage for money, to exchange for horses mules and wagons, and then orgonize themselves into a company, or companies, sufficiently strong to be safe from attacks by Indians. In this way they will not only be able to dispose of their property to better advantage in many cases, but will have their teams and wagons to help themselves with after their arrival. It is true they may be longer on the road, but while money is so scarce both there and here, the old adage that "time is money" does not apply, for money is out of the question, and many can put in their time and have property when they arrive here, who could not otherwise come this year. I also wrote that at least one of the Elders sent from here should come through with each company, mentioning your name and others, and remarking that, if deemed best, they could readily return this fall by the railroad. Of course how many and which of the Elders it will be most fitting to come through with those traveling the whole distance in their own conveyances, is left for you to select and appoint.
The recent election of Elder John Taylor, Probate Judge of Utah county, of Bishop A. O. Smoot Mayor of Provo City, and his appointment as Presiding Bishop there, with bro. William Miller and Elijah F. Sheets for his Counselors, the election of Elders Wilford Woodruff and Joseph F. Smith to municipal offices in that City and other brethren moving there from this City, together with my and br. Kimball's buying houses there and moving portions of our families into them and spending part of our time there is exerting a very beneficial influence, and the inhabitants are much pleased with the move and manifest a very lively and united interest in carrying out suggestions as are directed by the Spirit for their welfare. We are now fondly anticipating that Provo will make rapid advancement in those useful branches for which she has so many facilities.
Scarcity of money has prevented the donations for gathering the poor from reaching very liberal figures they otherwise would, but if the donated cattle can be exchanged for money in time those figures will be very considerably increased. As it is we are in hopes that some 5,000 will this year be enabled to escape from the corruption, poverty and bondage which so oppress them among the wicked.
So far as the weather is concerned, our prospects for abundant harvests were never better. What the grasshoppers may do in our settlements this summer it is too soon to determine, though their eggs are very numerous in some localities; however, plowing and seeding, whenever practicable, are being busily attended to, trusting that the harvest will at least be commensurate with our wants.
The Sweetwater gold mines are creating some excitement, and if they prove valuable may exert a salutary influence in our money market, through affording a convenient outlet for such surplus provisions as we may have for sale, which will tend to enliven the present stagnation in business affairs, Such will also be more extensively the effect should the U. P. Railroad begin grading between Weber Canon and our eastern boundary. In either event, inasmuch as we are blest with food, raiment and shelter, it does not matter so much, as to our home affairs, whether money is plenty or scarce, for the amount will always be commensurate with the Lord's will conserning us, so we continue to strive to wisely improve upon all blessings bestowed.
The exhortations and teachings to be more diligent in our efforts for attaining that oneness in all things, which is enjoined upon us, and to sustain those who sustain the Church and kingdom of our God, are having a very salutary effect and bid fair to produce very salutary results.
Your family and friends are well, so far as I learn, and the people generally are blest with excellent health, and are greatly prospered in all their efforts in doing good upon the earth.
Praying that yourself, the Elders associated with you and all who listen to your teachings may enjoy all needed blessings,
I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young