1868 March 16 Letter to H. J. Richards


1868 March 16 Letter to H. J. Richards


Richard's education will bless others. The rising generation is educated spiritually and secularly. A part of Brigham's family moves to Provo. Men return to Seveir & Piute Counties. There are signs of gold. Cattle is donated to the emigration fund.




Brigham Young


H. J. Richards


1868 March 16


Great Salt Lake City
New York

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Perpetual Emigration Fund
School of the Prophets

Salt Lake City
Mar. 16th. 1868.

H. J. Richards
60 East 27. St. N. Y.

Dear Brother:-Your favor under date of 19th ult has been received and purused with pleasure. I am gratified to learn of your progress in the Science of surgery and am sanguine that your faithfulness in your studies will enable you to do much good in our Community when you return to our City.

We are doing very well so far as I am aware, throughout the Territory and God has heard the prayers of his Saints. Our enemies have been foiled and the people have no cause to fear only their own short-comings, but the elders are pretty faithful in declaring the gospel to the rising generation which we Consider very esential to the future welfare of our people. Education is much in vogue and our young men are certainly improving their opportunities to improve their minds and, if we are permitted to dwell here in peace our children will receive that instruction which their fathers were not privileged to acquire.

I have moved a part of my family to Provo and purpose spending <about> one third of my time in that city. Quite a number of the brethren have been called to settle there & are now preparing for their families comfort and Bros. Woodruff Jos. F. A. O. Smoot, Bp. Sheets have moved or are moveing.

The brethren who were driven from Sevier & Piute Counties are preparing to return to their deserted homes. Men will be sent from here to take charge of parties and observe all necessary precautions for their safety. No Indians have been seen on the sevier during the winter although some parties who have been in that region of country gold seeking became frightened at each other and stampeded into the settlements having thrown away everything, deserted teams, wagons, thrown away their coats and shoes and came in badly frozen. Plenty of signs of gold are found and men are sanguin there will be rich mines opened in this Territory and I am sorry to say there are a number of the brethren who manifest too much interest in makeing such discoveries and do not pray that these things may be hid until the proper time.

Donations to assist the poor are still being made, but the bulk of such means have come in and if we can find a good market for our stock many thousands of dollars will be added to the fund to assist
the poor.

The School of the prophets is continues and much valuable instructions are <is> given.

We are looking for letter from Bros Clawson & Staines. We presume they <are> quite busy picking up the wires preparatory to commencing business in earnest.

So far as I am aware your family and friends are well

Praying God to bless you I remain Your bro.
Brigham Young