1868 April 2 Letter to Edmund Elsworth


1868 April 2 Letter to Edmund Elsworth


Counsel not to settle above the mouth of the Rio Virgin and to sustain Erastus Snow. Brigham will visit the South.




Brigham Young


Edmund Elsworth


1868 April 2


Great Salt Lake City
St Joseph, Arizona

Number of Pages



Church Leadership


Salt Lake City,
April 2nd 1868

Elder Edmund Elsworth,
St. Joseph, on the Muddy, Arizona.

Dear Grandson:-

Your favor of March 9 is to hand, and would have received an earlier reply but for my absence, from time to time, at Provo, which causes my time to be much occupied while here.

I thank you for your truthfulness and candor in regard to the move to and from the head of the Muddy, and what transpired there. Notwithstanding the temporary feeling of disappointment on the part of some, I am still much of the opinion that it will be far better for the brethren to keep below the California road and settle, and settle as they may be counseled from time to time along down and at the mouth of the Rio Virgen, at which point I am informed there is a beautiful location and facilities for a large settlement than it will to try to settle at the head of the Muddy at least for the present. I presume that long ere you receive these lines, bro. Erastus Snow has arrived and questions of immediate moment, and that the brethren have acquiesced therein and are prosecuting their labors diligently, faithfully and unitedly, as they should do, in which case, whether they all see it at present or not, their efforts will be blest.

I propose visiting the southern Settlements after the October Conference, and think of spending the coming winter there, when I will endeavor to bless bro. Snow and the brethren there with such counsel and instructions as the Spirit may suggest. You are at liberty to read the letter to br's Andrew Gibbons and Stanley P. Davis and such other brethren as you may deem proper.

My health, and that of your father and his family and of your relatives and friends generally, is good, so far as I am advised.

Please write to me as often as you may feel inclined and have opportunity, by so doing you will oblige

Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young