1868 April 25 Letter to W. H. Hooper


1868 April 25 Letter to W. H. Hooper


Hooper should not worry over the land in question. The weather is good for crops but the grasshoppers are numerous. The Railroad has asked for laborers and supplies which will boost the economy. Money is scarce but over $50,000 has been donated for the emigration. Time should not be wasted replying to false statements about the church.




Brigham Young


W. H. Hooper


1868 April 25


Washington D. C.

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Perpetual Emigration Fund


April 25, 1868

W. H. Hooper, M. C.
Washington City, D. C.

Dear Bro.

Your very welcome favors of March 13 and 29 came safely to hand, the latter while I was at Provo. I sympathize with you in regard to the poor state of your health, and trust that the favorable reaction induced by the visit of br's Clawson and Staines and daughter Alice will, with the cessation of the McGrorty folly, result in restoring the needed quiet to your nervous system and in your general good health.

In regard to the land question, we thank them for their kindness in doing nothing about it, for it they continue in that mind we shall not have it to pay for. I do not think I would worry or use extra exertion in the case, but leave the result with Him who ordereth all things to His name's glory and the welfare of his people Israel.

Last week was very cool and stormy, much snow falling in the mountains, and the weather still continues lowery and cool, but at present the prospects are good for abundant crops of the cereals, fruits and other products of earth, and increased acres are being planted and sown in all the settlements.

Small grasshoppers are very numerous in places; how much injury they may be permitted to do is of course unknown, but the people are putting forth their efforts towards the production of food, in full faith and hope that they will be rewarded with at least a competency for their support.

Mr. T. C. Durant lately telegraphed to me from Fort Sanders, inquiring whether some 500 or 1000 laborers could be had from Utah to work on the railroad from Green River west, to which I responded in the affirmative. On the 22nd inst. Mr. S. B. Reed inquired about supplies of oats, barley and flour for a large force he had started to break ground Green river. These movements you will perceive open an additional and an increasing cash market for such labor and products as we can spare for other pursuits and purposes.

Amid the scarcity of money and consequent dullness in business, the liberality of the people in their donations for gathering the poor is marvelous. Some $50,000 have already been forwarded for that purpose, and still the donations are coming in almost daily, sales begining to be made of the donated stock, which if they continue in time will considerably increase the amount already so commendably large, considering the circumstances.

As to the contest you have been annoyed with, please take the world more easily and do not worry, but ever bear in mind that the Lord our God reigneth and ordereth the results of the acts of men to the accomplishment of his purposes. And in regard to the data you mention for the committee report, <our history is published to the world,> can be readily known by all men, and we shall not stoop nor take any pains to gratify by a detailed reply to miserable clique as are those who have trumped up a pretension so baseless, backed up by statements so false and malicious. When persons hunt up, read, hear, love and swallow lies in preference to the truth, what is the use in wasting time to place the truth
before them?

I have taken the liberty to borrow your buggy in which to visit Provo. and presume it will be all right. In case anything happens to prevent you starting home soon, please inform me immediataly whether I am at liberty to use the buggy.

We just visited your family, and am happy in being able to inform you that they are all well and as happy as can be while husband and father is absent.

I have just telegraphed to learn how soon Messrs Durant and reed will want the hands and flour.

Hoping to soon enjoy the pleasure of greeting you in our beloved home, again advising to go slowly and not worry, and ever praying that needed blessings may constantly attend you,

I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young