1868 April 29 Shipp vs Bartholomew


1868 April 29 Shipp vs Bartholomew


The High Council's decision is upheld. Payment details to M. B. Shipp are outlined. Bartholomew has use of the property for one year. If full payment is not made in that time the properties will be turned over to Shipp.




Brigham Young
Heber C. Kimball
Daniel H. Wells




1868 April 29


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



High Council
Financial Matters
Church Leadership

Salt Lake City, U. T.
April 29, 1868.

In the case of M. B. Shipp vs N. W. Bartholomew, appealed from the High Council in Salt Lake City to the First Presidency, President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Daniel H. Wells unanimously decided that N. W. Bartholomew pay to M. B. Shipp, in United States currency, or in flour at the currency price it may be when delivered in Salt Lake City, or in such other place as the two parties may agree upon, or in both currency and flour as aforenamed, the amount that the said High Council decided, April 11th, 1868, to be due by him to Shipp, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. per annu , as said Council also decided, provided that, in case currency falls below its value at the time of the aforenamed decision, the said Bartholomew is to make up such depreciation to said Shipp, as was also so decided by the High Council; and that the said Shipp is to return possession of the property turned out to <him by> Bartholomew as security, until the expiration of one year from the aforenamed 11th of April, Bartholomew in the meantime to have the free use, for his own benefit, of said property, to wit: the mill, the farm, the garden, the orchard and such portion of the house as he now occupies; and if the aforesaid amount is not paid as aforesaid on or before the 11th day of April, 1869, then the aforenamed property is to become the property of the said M. B. Shipp, without further question, recourse, trial, or process of law.

Brigham Young
Heber C. Kimball
Daniel H Wells