1868 April 29 Letter to F. D. Richards


1868 April 29 Letter to F. D. Richards


Financial drafts are drawn on Richards. A list of persons to emigrate is enclosed. The Switzerland Elders should be released.




Brigham Young


F. D. Richards


1868 April 29


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Missionary Work


Salt Lake City,
Apl 29. 1868

Elder F. D. Richards
42 Islington, Liverpool,England.

Dear bro:-
Since the 15th inst. I have drawn on you the following Drafts.-

No 1348  £ 8.17. 2   favor Wm B. Preston.
      1350        5 0 0       "    Monmouthshire Confce P. E. f a/c
      1351       5. 0 0       "    Henry Thomas
      1352      9 2 10       "    Widow Carrin Johansen
      1353      7 2 10       "    Hans Christopherson & wife
      1354      3 11 5       "    Jacob C. Nielson
      1355        4 5 9       "    Mads Jensen
      1356        9 5 9       "    Geo. Coleman
      1357        7 2 9       "    Edward Taylor
      1358      11 0 0       "    Joseph Sisam & Family
      1359        6 0 0       "    Jno Foulger
      1360        5 0 0       "    Anna B. Rupp
      1361        4 5 8       "    Joel Grover
      1362    17 17 0       "    Mary ann & Eliza Tyler
      1364      10 0 0       "    Elizabeth Grimshaw
      1365.       8 7 2       "    Mary Davis

[Page 2] 

No   1366    £12 2 9       "     Robert Edwards
        1367       7 2 9       "     Richd King
        1368       9 5 9       "     Ann Beesley
        1370       3 0 0       "     Marie Knudsen
        1371       3 6 9       "     Geo. A. Smith
        1372       9 5 8       "     Abraham Brown
        1373       8 8 0       "           do       do
        1374  20.14. 2       "      Lars Pehrson
        1375     5 14 3       "      Wm Fage.
        1376       9 5 8       "      Mary Boot
        1377    19 11 5       "     James Marchbanks
        1378        1 0 0       "     Rd. Ellerbeck.
        1379        3 0 0       "     George Hunter
        1380      14 5 8       "     George & Alice Boardman
        1381      11 8 6       "     Margaret Staeheli
        1382      11 8 6       "     Jno Wm Plant

The Acct vs Wm Hughes for emigration ($68.25) is enclosed as suggested in yours of 28th March last. Also please find my Dfts on you Nos 1362. 1364. 1365 1366. 1367. 1370. 1379. 1380. 1381 Enclosed also is duplicate of 3d lot of persons ordered to be emigrated. We shall send you a little more money for emigration purposes within a couple of weeks

Your brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P. S.
Please release the American Elders in Switzerland. Donations sufficient to bring out 4 adults from do have been received for this purpose. Please have so many helped out from that place.