Salt Lake City,
May 14, 1868.
Elder George Nebeker,
Laie, Oahu, Sandwich Islands.
Dear Brother:
Your very welcome letter of April 12 came safely to hand, and we were much gratified with the goodly report the increased faith, faithfulness and good works of the native brethren enabled you to make, and in the blessings attending the wise course taken by you and the brethren in your plans and labors under the guidance of that Spirit which always directs for the best. We are much pleased that the native brethren are coming to your aid so zealously, for your labors and teachings are all designed for their good and for their advancement in every correct principle and practice, and it is to be hoped they will persevere unto reaping the rich rewards ever attendant upon well-doing.
We cordially approve of the counsel and course adopted in your council meeting and that you concluded to continue your labors, for by so doing there are many advantages that would otherwise be lost. We are also pleased that you have been able to purchase a sugar mill and horses power instead of giving outsiders a foothold on your land, and wish the brethren to listen to your counsel and render you such assistance as they can in accordance with your requirements. We trust that you may be blest in your crops and labors and thereby be enabled to meet your engagements satisfactorily to all parties. We deem it, fortunate that the man you mentioned failed to comply, for his failure has resulted in your <present> far better plant as you will now be working within yourselves and learning to depend upon your own exertions for the temporal blessings you may desire. Your course in regard to your fencing, buildings, &c. is also correct and will tend to render your improvement permanently valuable
It is well known to you and others that the purchase where you are was made solely with the view to benefit the native brethren, and if properly attended to will accomplish the result anticipated. To bring this about more readily you have now adopted a good plan, and if the Elders and their families can content themselves they can doubtless do much more good, for the present, by residing on our own land and assisting the natives around them as much as possible, and from time to time pray and preach as circumstances may warrant and the spirit direct. and all the time gather to your place as many as it will accomodate.
This arrangement will be, no doubt, easier, pleasanter and more useful for the Elder<s>, and at the time give the native brethren many advantages in regard to schools, society, freedom from contaminations, fair return &c. that they cannot, so well attain otherwise. And to further establish them, should the 70,000 acres on Hawii, that was once offered for the rate of $3000 for the whole tract, be again offered as low and upon <terms> within our reach, it will probably be well to purchase it.
Please give our respects and good wishes to bro. Hapua and our thanks and faithfulness in assisting you to carry on all useful labors for the welfare of the mission.
Money continues scarce here but there is a prospect that grading will be <commenced> of Echo canon to Salt Lake, which will at once <from the> open a const money market for labor, flour beef and other surplus products and the monetary affairs easier.
Grasshoppers are hatching out very numerously in many places and the people are very energetic in destroying them in various ways so that as yet they have done but little damage, and the weather and other prospects are very favorable for excellent crops.
The donations for the poor have been very liberal, and great numbers will be blest in making their escape from Babylon. the hundred teams will be ready to start for the terminus the middle of June with flour, dried fruit, &c. to bring our emigrants from that point.
Home affairs are moving along very pleasantly and the faith and good works are of the Saints are manifestly and clearly increasing
Your friends and the people generally are in the enjoyment of good health.
Ever praying that the guidance of the Spirit, and the blessing of heaven may continually attend you, those associated with you and all the saints upon the Islands.
I remain, Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young