1868 May 20 Letter to L. D. Rudd


1868 May 20 Letter to L. D. Rudd


Teams will meet the emigrants at the railroad terminus. A group from the South will come all the way through with their own teams . Rudd should leave the past behind and live his religion.




Brigham Young


L. D. Rudd


1868 May 20


Great Salt Lake City
Dinnison, Crawford County, Iowa

Number of Pages



Church Leadership


Salt Lake City,
May 20, 1868

Br. L. D. Rudd,
Dennison, Crawford Co. Iowa

It is designed to have our trains start from here in time to meet our immigration at the terminus of the railroad about the middle of July, and it is expected that cars will be running to the North Fork of Platte by that time, which will make the cattle trip comparatively very short. Several of the brethren in the southern States are coming all the way through with their own conveyances, for which they could exchange their property when they could not sell it for money, and it is quite possible that br Brown is at present at Omaha, or soon will be, to organize and instruct them for crossing the plains, and may himself accompany them on a short visit home

In regard to the past, profit by its experiences as much as possible, work your way up here as you gather means for so doing, and inasmuch as you have done wrong, cease to do evil, strive to do well, and henceforth endeavor to live your religion and be wise and faithful.

Brigham Young