1868 May 23 Letter to H. B. Clawson


1868 May 23 Letter to H. B. Clawson


The emigration should arrive at the terminus by mid July. Brigham has contracted to complete the grading and masonry on the railroad from Echo Canyon to the city. All male emigrants willing to work on the road should be brought free of charge from Omaha. This will allow more to emigrate.




Brigham Young


H. B. Clawson


1868 May 23


Great Salt Lake City
New York City, New York

Number of Pages



Building and Construction
Financial Matters


Salt Lake City,
May 23, 1868.

Elder H. B. Clawson,
60 East 27th St.,
New York City, New York.

Dear Bro:

I have contracted for the grading and masonry on the railroad from near the head of Echo Canon to the Lake shore or to this city, depending upon which end of the Lake the road passes. The trains from here will be started so as to reach the terminus of the railroad by the middle of July, and I am writing by this mail to bro. Franklin to make the best bargains he can for the emigration and so time their arrival in New York that you can forward them to the terminus by the time the trains arrive there. It is presumable that either party, whether trains or emigrants, arriving first at that point can find employment on the road while waiting for the other; at the same time you will readily understand that it will be far the best, for many reasons that will occur to you, to have the trains and emigrants meet at the terminus as nearly as can be at the same time, which, as already stated, we wish to be about the middle of July.

Among other items of the contracts allowed to, all hands to work on the road are to be brought free from Omaha to the terminus, and I want fifteen hundred from our emigration, if there be so many, and as many more as there may be, to help me to complete the job by the time agreed upon.

You and bro. Staines will at once see the two fold advantage in this matter, and can probably arrange without difficulty to have all the male emigration, that look at all like they could work on the road, passed free, and at the same time come along with their families and friends to the terminus; and this will be correct, for we shall altogether likely need the help of all that can in any way in working on the road.

Wagons, carts, tools, etc., designed for use on the road, are also to be freighted at reduced rates from Chicago to Omaha, and free from Omaha to the terminus, which is an item you will please take note of. You will also at once reflect, that the number of males that can come free from Omaha will lighten the drain upon your cash expenditures, perhaps enough to enable you to assist some needy ones in New York and elsewhere to come through this season; however, you will of course assist through all that the means will warrant without incurring cash indebtedness.

Please forward the gold dust & coin, sent by bro. D. O. Calder, to bro. Franklin.

Bro's D. O. Calder and A. Pyper left on the 21st, the first to N. Y. and elsewhere and the latter to Cheyenne for a time.

In addition to the articles already sent for, please purchase and forward for me one or two barrels of best maple sugar and one small box of pine tar soap.

The weather continues cool and rainy, splendid for grass and grain -- and we trust the hoppers will not deprive us of abundant harvests.

Myself and family, your family, sister Staines and all friends generally are well, and Alice's boys are doing finely.

Ever praying that yourself, bro. Staines and all associated with you in this season's emigration operations may be guided and blest by our Father in heaven in accordance with His good pleasure, I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young