1868 June 3 Letter to Hiram B. Clawson


1868 June 3 Letter to Hiram B. Clawson


Cooking supplies need to be purchased for the emigration. Men willing to work on the railroad will travel free from Omaha to the terminus. Teams will soon leave to meet them. Rock work for the railroad has begun in Weber. Grasshoppers have damaged crops.




Brigham Young


Hiram B. Clawson


1868 June 3


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Building and Construction


Salt Lake City,
June 3, 1868.

Elder Hiram B. Clawson:
60 East 27th Street,
New York City, N. Y.

Dear Brother:

Your favors of May 14 and 17, are to hand, and the times noted. I had previously advised br. Hooper in regard to the historical matter he wished for the committee, and a short time since I telegraphed to you to close the contract from Omaha to the terminus. In my last letter to you I detailed the railroad contract I had taken, mentioning, among other things, that all who were able to do any work on that road are to pass free from Omaha to the terminus. They can travel with their families and friends on the cars and with our trains until they reach here, when they can be distributed on the road where wanted. This contract will require so many cooking utensils, tents, &c, that you will have to buy bake kettles, tents and such other cooking utensils and articles as you may learn to be necessary for the comfort of the emigration, as also what kans you may deem advisable. Flour, meant, dried fruit, &c., will be taken from here by the trains, We expect in sufficient quantities, if not, I will telegraph in time.

I was not charged for the telegram you mentioned, nor have I been for any.

I enclose my autograph for Mr. Bragge in compliance with his wish expressed to you.

Bishop Sharp started on Saturday last, May 30, with a large company of hands, to begin on the rock work near the mouth of Weber Canon. He and my son Joseph are in partnership, and will contract for all the tunnels and work cuts that others do not wish to take. The wet weather of late has delayed the definite location of the track in my contract, but I expect it will be ready for me to visit and begin to let contracts by the 9th or 10th inst. Brigham and John W. are preparing to take hold and help the work through, and there is a very spirited feeling on all hands to prosecute the labor vigorously.

A train for the imigration will soon start for the terminus, for it is better that a train wait there for the emigrants, than for the emigrants to wait for it, and the other trains will soon follow, to arrive in time to be ready to receive the people as fast as they come up.

The grasshoppers have done much damage in places, but the prospects are good for harvesting enough grain, &c. to supply our wants.

For your convenience I inclose bill for family supplies on a separate slip, and presume the $2000 of my money you took with you and the $2,000 with the interest on the bonds I sent to you by br. D. O. Calder will be sufficient to cover this bill and the articles I have previously ordered.

The term all who can work on the railroad includes bakers, cooks, carpenters, blasters, <even young> persons to drive teams, herders, &c. or In other words every male that can in any way assist, for it will require a large number to complete the work in time

Families and friends are well, and Alice's boys are hearty and joyous.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

20 sacks crushed Sugar
16 " Sugar, same as purchased from Kindall, Sibley & Endicott last year.
1 Chest Best Tea.
3 cases concentrated Lye.
5 soap 700 lbs Fustic
10 " Candles 200 <lbs> Cam wood
2 sacks Rice 350 lbs Logwood Extract
2 cases Soda 200 " Bichromate of Potash
3 boxes starch
2 " Corn Starch 10 lbs Cloves
2 Cases Veary Best Olive Oil Largest size bottles
5 Lbs Nutmegs 15 lbs Mustard
     200 Gallons Coal Oil
" Cinnamon 6 Dox Boxes Yeast Powder