1868 June 9 Letter to Franklin D. Richards


1868 June 9 Letter to Franklin D. Richards


Financial drafts have been drawn on Richards.




Brigham Young


Franklin D. Richards


1868 June 9


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Financial Matters


Salt Lake City,
June 9. 1868.

Elder Franklin D. Richards,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England.

Dear brother:-

Since my last advice up to 15th May 1868 I have drawn the following drafts on you:-

No 1414.   £ 9. 11. 5.   favor of   James Matthias
      1415.      8 12  3.        "         Jane Withers
      1416        2 14 3.        "         Mary Hamilton,
      1417        14 5 8         "         George Hunter
      1418.       7 17 0         "         Robert Furness
      1419          7 0 0         "         Emma Goold & family
      1420        7 14 3         "         Henry Thomas
      1421        3 10 0         "         Mary Byard
      1422          4 0 0         "         James Rowley
      1423        8 11 4         "         Ann Tomlinson
      1424        2 10 0         "         Thomas Stirling
      1425          5 0 0.        "         Peter Reid
      1426        10 0 0         "         Wm Affleck & family
      1427        11 3 9         "         Louis Henroid pere
      1428          4 0 0         "         Fredk or Chas Hy Cockett
      1429        9 2 10         "         Elizabeth Phillips
      1430        20 0 0         "         John Allan

Enclosed please find Dft C 3 days from Halesworth

[Page 2]

and Suffolk Bank No 189 23d Apl/68 on Messrs. Barkley, Bevan & Co. London, for £54. sterling to order Benjamin Riches, & endorsed to yourself.
Please collect, or sell, & credit P. E. Fund.

Your Brother, Brigham Young

If you could obtain from five to eight hundred pounds from the brethren you can draw on me for so much.

B. Y.

1 Enclosure