1868 June 20 Letter to Joseph W. Young


1868 June 20 Letter to Joseph W. Young


The crops destroyed by grasshoppers are replaced with potatoes and corn. More than 600 men are at work on the railroad and 500 teams are headed to meet the emigration. Money is sent.




Brigham Young


Joseph W. Young


1868 June 20


Great Salt Lake City
St George, Washington County


Building and Construction
Financial Matters


Salt Lake City, U. T.,
20 June, 1868.

Elder Joseph W. Young:
St George, Washington Co., U. T.

Dear Brother:

I was pleased to learn, from your favor of the 3rd inst., of your good health and diligence, and of the prosperity, peace, good feelings and prospects of the people in Southern Utah.

The grasshoppers have done some considerable damage in many places, but corn, potatoes, &c., are being put in where the crops have been eaten off, and there are good prospects yet for plenty of food.

Joseph A., Brigham, Jr., and John W. are busily engaged in sub-letting contracts on my railroad contract, and there are already some 600 men at work, and others constantly going out.

Upwards of 500 teams have started for our immigration, with large supplies of flour, meat, fruit, &c., in accordance with the requirements for that operation.

I herewith enclose you the $25 00/100 you wished,prefering to do so instead of drawing an order as you mention, as we do not like to begin to do business in that way with the money tithing.

Your brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young