1868 June Letter to David O. Calder


1868 June Letter to David O. Calder


Instruction are given on the printing of books for the University.




Albert Carrington


David O. Calder


1868 June


Great Salt Lake City
New York City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters


Salt Lake City
June 1868

Elder David O. Calder,
60 East 27th Street, New York City.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of June 8, came safely to hand, but was rather long on the way for express matter. I think, from Russell Bro's figures, that you are going to get the work done at very reasonable rates, and the two sizes of the "English" sized type will answer for all we can afford to get printed this season, and will do as well for the 3d book as for the 1st, and 2nd, inasmuch as it is now arranged for the 3d book as for the 1st, and 2nd, to be more or less of what is called the "Catechism for Children." Br. Stenhouse took you more copy for the 1st Book, so that you will probably be able to make it either 43 or 72 pages, as the case may be. The copy for the 2nd book will go by the same express with this letter, and if enough for 72 pages, all right, if not make it also 48 pages. The copy for the 3rd Book will be the catechism, as already stated, and you can also stop on it when you have enough for 78 pages, unless you are likely to have means for printing the whole of it, for we can print the rest of it and any additions we may want to make, at another time.
If you get the work done, or a part of it, in time to forward by the church trains, all right, otherwise it can be brought by some of the brethren's trains which are frequently going and returning.

Br. Ellerbeck, the Treasurer has already forwarded you

$4000 00/100 in currency for University purposes, and should that not be sufficient for Printing Books 1 and 2 and the whole of the catechism, and defray expenses to the terminus of the railroad, please inform us, as soon as you can learn, how much will be still wanted, as it is preferable to print the whole of the catechism book if possible, and I will further advise you as to whether to omit a portion or complete it and be furnished with the additional means, should be more needed.

Br. R. L. Campbell will, tomorrow, write instruc. about addition, omissions, &c.

The copy for the 3d Book will be forwarded in some week or 10 days.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Albert Carrington,
by request of Brigham Young.