1868 August 4 Letter to Franklin D. Richards


1868 August 4 Letter to Franklin D. Richards


Five emigrant trains have started on the Sweetwater route and five more await emigrants. The railroad provides jobs. Richards and Charles Widerborg are released from their European missions.




Brigham Young


Franklin D. Richards


1868 August 4


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Church Leadership
Missionary Work
Building and Construction


Salt Lake City, U. T.
August 4, 1868.

President Franklin D. Richards
42 Islington, Liverpool, England.

Dear Brother:

Since my last, yours of May 23, June 6, 13, 20th, 24 and July 15 have come duly to hand, and the contents have been noted, also passenger lists of the Constitution, Minnesota, Emerald Isle and John Bright,

To further the interests of this seasons operations, br H. S. Eldredge went to Laramie City, and at last advices had started back five of the trains with some 1500 or 1600 emigrants and a quantity of freight; the passenger trains travel by the Sweetwater route, on account of better grass, water &c. The other five trains will start back as fast as passengers and freight arrive to load them with. We have not as yet been advised of the arrival of the Constitution and Emerald Isle, but am each day anxiously expecting to hear, as they are several days over due.

Work on my railroad contract is progressing rapidly; small jobs are already completed, and nearly all the light would all have been done ere this, had the work been staked out in time. The western company are wishing me to contract to grade 200 miles for them, which I expect to begin as soon as the stakes are driven. These contracts give us many advantages, besides furnishing money for labor to those whom the grasshoppers have left but little to do, and who could not well otherwise supply themselves with food until another harvest.

Referring you to our papers for further details of news I hasten to inform you that br. Albert Carrington has been selected to proceed to Liverpool to release you, and br Jesse N. Smith to relieve br. C. Widerborg at copenhagen of which I will advise him by the same mail, as also I wish you to do upon receipt of this, that he may have two chances of timely receiving the word. Bro's Carrington and Smith expect to start on or about the 15th inst, and will probably reach your city in some 20 or 21 days from that date, from which xxxxx point br Smith will at once proceed to Copenhagen I wish you upon receipt of this, to at once begin to have all books and affairs of your office put in proper order and shape for turning over to your successor in good condition, and as soon as you can accomplish this that you are at liberty to place some one in temporary charge and start for home, if you choose though br. Carrington would of course much prefer to have you, if consistant, meet him on his arrival and introduce him to the men and briefly instruct him in the duties with which he will have to do.

By corresponding with br Widerborg you can arrange, if you wish to travel together.

Please find enclosed my Draft, No 1435, favor Elizabeth Bevan, for £3.10.0.

Trusting that the few lines items a press of business has permitted me to pen will prove interesting and satisfactory and that you will be blest with a speedy, safe and prosperous return to our midst and the loved ones at home.

I remain,

Your brother in the Gospel