1868 August 14 Letter to Robert F. Cotton


1868 August 14 Letter to Robert F. Cotton


Brigham shares principles of the gospel and the reason for gathering in Utah. Cotton is directed to Elder David Stuart or church publications for further information.




Brigham Young


Robert F. Cotton


1868 August 14


Great Salt Lake City
Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee

Number of Pages



Church Doctrine
Missionary Work


Salt Lake City
Aug. 14. 1868.

Mr Robt. F. Cotton
Franklin, Williamson Co. Tennessee.


To your letter of inquiry, I would reply that we have many works containing the Principles of our Religion among which I might name the Bible, Book of Mormon. Doctrine and Covenants, Pamphlets by different authors, voice of Warning &c., which you can obtain on application as per price list.

Among the papers published here, the principle is the Deseret News, I forward you a copy, in which are terms and particulars.

Faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ, Repentance from dead works, Baptism for the remission of sins, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Ministrations of Angels, the enjoyment of immediate Revelation and the ancient gifts and Blessings are among the first Principles of our Religion. These and many other subjects you can find in the works I have mentioned.

We have been commanded to gather out from the Nations of the Earth, that we may not partake of those sins you speak of, and receive of the punishment of the ungodly, but be enabled to worship God according to his revealed will, and life up a Standard to all the honest in heart throughout all the earth.

It is every persons privilege to investigate these Principles and inquire of the Lord and Seek the aid of His Spirit to guide them in the path that leads to Eternal Life, and I would refer you to Mr David M. Stuart one of our Missionaries residing at St Louis with whom you might correspond. His address is-- Care of Mr A. G. Kershaw, 2006 North 14th Street, St Louis, Mo.

The United States Currency is in circulation in this Territory.

Praying the Lord to guide you aright.

I am respectfully
Brigham Young