1868 August 27 Letter to W. W. Cluff


1868 August 27 Letter to W. W. Cluff


Cluff is asked to investigate the character of a women seeking custody of her boys. He is also asked to investigate the treatment of Ellen Rogers by her husband.




Brigham Young


W. W. Cluff


1868 August 27


Salt Lake City, Utah

Number of Pages



Domestic Dispute

Salt Lake City
August 27. 1868.

Bishop W. W. Cluff

Dear Brother,

A Sister by the name of Celia L. May, formerly a wife of Chester Loveland, has written to me about two boys she had by him, which she states Bro. Loveland stole during her absence from her mother's house, at Bountiful, Two years after she had received her divorce and he had given the boys to her. Her object in writing is to get her boys back from Bro. Loveland, she is now the wife of a gentile, living in Wanship. I should be pleased to hear from you regarding the character of this woman and her husband; also, Sister Ellen Rogers, the wife of bro. Ross Rogers Counselor to Bp. Snyder of Wanship, called at my office yesterday and complained of her husband's treatment towards her for the last three years. She states that he does not provide sufficient clothing for her, nor properly educate her children. that she has complained to Bp Snyder, but that he did not appear to take much notice of her complaints. Will you please also inquire into this matter and inform me.

Your Brother,

Brigham Young