1868 September 3 Letter to J. R. Young


1868 September 3 Letter to J. R. Young


The hearts of those in power are softened. The emigration is arriving and the railroad is progressing. Brigham held meetings in Cache Valley.




Brigham Young


J. R. Young


1868 September 3


Salt Lake City


Building and Construction
Church Leadership

Salt Lake City, U.T.
3 September 1868.

Elder J.R. Young.
Washington. U.T.

Dear Nephew:

Your favor of the 23 ult reached me safely, and its contents have been noted. So far as regards the working of the factory, I have left that in the hands of Bro. Birch, to be directed as he considers best.

Throughout this region, so far as I am aware, the people are striving to live their religion, and the Lord
has not been unmindful of their prayers. Our enemies have been signally foiled this last season in all
their attempts to bring trouble upon us, and we have no cause to fear only our own short-comings. The
Lord has for a time softened the hearts of those in power, and they have meeted out to us some tardy
acts of justice, which belonged to us by right, but which by exceptional enactments they have withheld
from us until now. But we must not suppose from this that Satan or his agents are more friendly to us
than in time past, for it is not so; never did he hate the cause of truth more bitterly than at present, and
never was there more need of the saints being watchful and prayerful than to day.

The immigration is arriving rapidly, nearly all the trains are in. The imigrants look well and seem healthy.
Quite a number of the new comers have gone to work on my railroad contract. I am happy to think, that
this will be the last year that our trains will have to go down to the railway terminus to bring home the
gathering saints, for by the time another seasons operations commence we hope to have the iron horse
carearing through these vallies.

I have lately made a very pleasant trip to Cache Valley accompanied by a number of the brethren,
instructing and counseling the saints on the duties of their every day life. Tomorrow I expect to start for
Grantsville, to hold a two days meeting with the saints of Tooele County.

Health and peace prevail in our city and the surrounding settlements.

Praying the Lord to continually bless you. With love I remain.

Your Uncle,
Brigham Young