1868 September 3 Letter to J. S. Pettigue


1868 September 3 Letter to J. S. Pettigue


It is unnecessary for the church to respond to articles that attack church doctrine. A couple publications are sent to Pettigue and additional works maybe obtained through W. H. Miles.




Brigham Young


J. S. Pettigue


1868 September 3


Salt Lake City
Chicago, Illinois

Number of Pages



Plural Marriage
Missionary Work

Salt Lake City, U.T.
3 September 1868.

Mr. J.S. Pettigue
192 South Clark Street, Chicago

Dear Sir:

Your favor of 26 inst. is before me. In reply I would say with regard to the matter mentioned therein that we have for so long published to the world the evidences of the truth of the doctrines believed in and practised by the Latter-day Saints, that we do not deem it necessary to attempt to answer every newspaper article that attacks our doctrines.

The principle of plurality of wives as practised by us is the law of God. No arguing or discussing will alter the truth. We have again and again answered the same absurd stories, but our answers have no effect upon those who do not love the truth. They prefer to believe whatever is said to our injury. No matter how inconsistent it may be, and no reasoning however plain will change their conduct towards us.

With this please find a copy of the revelation and prophecy you ask for, given to the prophet Joseph Smith in 1832. For the books you desire I would respectfully refer you to Mr. W.H. Miles, 117 John Street, New York, who is the agent in the Eastern States for the works published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Thanking you for the kind sentiments expressed in your letter, and praying the Lord to guide you to the truth, I remain,

Your respectfully,
Brigham Young