1868 October 12 Letter to John C. Massey


1868 October 12 Letter to John C. Massey


Those who come to Utah to enrich themselves are at a disadvantage, while those who come to serve God prosper. The Saints follow the principles found in the Bible. John Brown can provide further information about the church.




Brigham Young


John C. Massey


1868 October 12


Salt Lake City
Ozark, Franklin County, Arkansas

Number of Pages



Church Doctrine
Missionary Work


Salt Lake City
Oct. 12. 1868

Mr John C. Massey
Ozark. Franklin Co. Ark.


Your favor of the 20th ult is received and in reply I would say, that as a general thing our Territory has disadvantages for parties journeying here simply to enrich themselves, in a worldly point of view; Still those who come with a determination to serve God and keep His commandments and apply themselves with diligence in cultivating the soil, doing what they find to do with their might, and practicing strict prudence and economy; are generally prospered in their endeavors to redeem the desert; and the present beauty of our Mountain Country is entirely the result of the Blessing of God upon the studious labor of such a class of people.

As regards the Principles of the Gospel which we beleive; they are simple and strictly in accordance with the Bible, the same as were taught by our Savior and His Apostles: We administer Baptism for the remission of sins and Laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost; we believe in the literal gathering of Israel, and the practice of every principle of virtue and righteousness; for further information I would respectfully refer you to Mess. John Brown and David M. Stewart at 2006. North 14th Street, St. Louis. Missouri. who will feel a pleasure in acquainting you more fully, by letter or otherwise, with our Faith, the peculiarities of our Territory and other subjects of interest to you, connected with us as a people.

Brigham Young