1868 October 29 Letter to Thomas J. Stayner


1868 October 29 Letter to Thomas J. Stayner


Even though he has to work with outsiders, Stayner should not withdraw from his position until he honorably balances the books and fulfills his commitments.




Brigham Young


Thomas J. Stayner


1868 October 29


Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Salt Lake City. U.T.
29 October 1868.

Elder Thomas J. Stayner.
Salt Lake City.

Dear Brother.

In reply to your request for counsel with regard to your present business relationship. I will say that I do not consider you would be justified in withdrawing from your present position until the books are balanced, the accounts all understood and everything done in your power to leave honorably, which I would advise you to do with all possible dispatch.

While you are connected with the firm of which you are now a partner, you will doubtless do business with outsiders, but we shall use our influence with the members of the Church to prevent their trading with that firm, or any others who do not carry out the regulations of our Co-operative Institution, and we hope to succeed in the endeavor.

Your Brother in the Gospel.
Brigham Young