1868 November 3 Letter to C. L. Frost


1868 November 3 Letter to C. L. Frost




Brigham Young


C. L. Frost


1868 November 3


Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, U.T.
Nov. 3. 1868

C.L. Frost Esq
Asst Cashier Contrs UPRR

Dear Sir:-
As it takes considerable time to sell Exchange on New York and get it into currency, which is required by the sub-contractors and hands employed on my Railroad contract, I wish to suggest, in case you wish me to take any exchange on New York on the estimates for October, the propriety of placing a sum to my credit at once, to enable me to get it converted into currency in time to meet my payments. I have not been able till to day to dispose of the last of the exchange received for September, and if I am unable to give further exchange when it is called for by our merchants, they will go to the Banks for it, rendering it difficult for me to again get their patronage.

By so doing the Contractor U.P.RR will incur no expense of shipment on such amount, nor any charge by me for the exchange.

Your immediate attention is desirable.
Respectfully Yours

Brigham Young