1868 November 3 Letter to C. C. Rich


1868 November 3 Letter to C. C. Rich


Co-operative institutions are established throughout Utah. In Salt Lake the institution has adopted a constitution and price uniformity. Currently pricing on goods is low. Rich should sell his grain to those working the railroad and then buy goods.




Brigham Young


C. C. Rich


1868 November 3


Salt Lake City
Paris, Rich County

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U.T.
3 November 1868

Elder C.C. Rich
Paris. Rich Co.

Dear Brother

Your letter of the 25 ult. on the subject of trading lies before me. I am glad to hear that the people of Rich County are entering into arrangements to establish Co-operative stores in their midst. In this city considerable has already been done to effect an organization on a secure basis. The constitution of the parent wholesale Institution has been adopted by the shareholders, and the brethren interested in the scheme are making vigorous efforts to inaugerate an uniformity in the price of goods amongst our retail traders, as a commencement, until we can get the wholesale department in full working order. 

Goods are at present selling at very low figures in this city, when compared with the prices asked a short time ago. Common printed calicos are retailed at 15 cents per yard, the better class of the same goods at 18 to 20 cents. Shirtings fetch 20 to 22-1/2 cents. Unbleached 20 to 30 cents. Delaines 25 to 40, Denims from 25 cents, Jeans from 30 cents Flannels 60 cents and upwards according to quality. Sugar from 35 to 40, Tea from 2.00 to 3.00, and other things in proportion. The wholesale for Sugar, Prints, Shirtings is about 10 or 12-1/2 per cent less than the retail price, and from 15 to 20 per cent less on other staple dry goods and groceries. Fancy dry goods can be bought wholesale at from 30 to 50 per cent less than they are retailed at. Wheat and barley are now fetching in this market 3.00 to 3.25 per bushel. These prices will give you some idea of the value of goods and grain here, and may serve as a guide to the amounts you should pay your merchants if you buy them out, for the purpose of getting rid of the traders who are not of ourselves, and for the future of doing your own business.

However, as the railroad is no so near you, could you not as profitably sell your grain to the men engaged on my contract for the cash and buy your goods of the brethren. I can assure you the grain is wanted badly enough by the men engaged in the railroad works. If the approach of winter does not give you time to do this, you had best confine your purchasing as much as possible to the [illegible]ing stores in your settlements.

With love, I remain
Your brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young