1868 November 10 Letter to J. Pastorfield


1868 November 10 Letter to J. Pastorfield


The gospel is known through revelation and is directed by the priesthood. To learn about the Church Pastorfield should request publications from W. H. Miles.




Brigham Young


J. Pastorfield


1868 November 10


Salt Lake City
Marshallton, Pennsylvania

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Church Doctrine


Salt Lake City. U.T.
10 Nov. 1868.

Rev. J. Pastorfield
Marshallton. Pa.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of the 28 ult. lies before me. In reply thereto I will say, I have often when speaking in public, contrasted the workings of modern civilization, with that state of society we are striving to bring about by obedience to the will of God in all things.

You say in your note "civilization is modulated by religion;" as we understand it, all true civilization is the result of true religion, and all true religion is based upon the revelations of God, and there is no truth, whether in religion, science or philosophy, but what emanates from Him. The Gospel, like Himself, is perfect and unchangeable, it is the same in all ages and to all men; it requires the same obedience, is directed by the same priesthood and is followed by the same blessings. Its principles will guide all men in the concerns of their every day life, the laborer at his daily toil, the merchant in his store, the farmer in his fields, as well as when they engage in the service of public worship, and there is nothing that is true and right but is embraced within its folds.

We also believe that God continues and will continue to reveal His will to men, until all shall know Him from the least unto the greatest, and His will be done on earth as it is now done in Heaven. This is the civilization we are striving to attain to, and as in it every principle is perfect, in its developement there are none of the so called "necessary evils" that exist so abundantly in modern civilization, none of the thousand evils, that now affict humanity and for which human wisdom can find no remedy.

But the limits of one short note will not permit me to give you an entirely correct idea of our faith and doctrines. To obtain such information you will have to peruse our works -- the Scriptures, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants &c. Should you desire to do so, you can obtain them of our agent in the Eastern States Mr. W.H. Miles, 117 John Street, New York City who will be pleased to give you any information you may wish regarding the principles we believe in

Very Respectfully.
Brigham Young