1868 November 10 Letter to Lee Crandall


1868 November 10 Letter to Lee Crandall


Crandall is welcome in Utah but there are more business men than needed. Church doctrine is shared and Crandall is directed to John Brown for further information.




[Brigham Young]


Lee Crandall


1868 November 10


Salt Lake City
St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Church Doctrine


Salt Lake City. U.T.
10 November 1868.

Col. Lee Crandall
St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans.

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 31st ult reached me yesterday. I cannot tell from the tenor of your letter, if you are acquainted with the history of our people, their vicisitudes of fortune and persecutions in past years. If you are, you are well aware that for any persons to become a member of our Church, has been equivalent to loosing his good name, with the rest of mankind and his standing in society. True of late years we have been greatly prospered, and through our principles and manner of life becoming better known combined with our isolated position, we have enjoyed a period of comparative peace. Still, while our territory is free to all to come and go as they please, I cannot give you much encouragement to come here as a business man, we have as many here now as the necessities of our trade demand, indeed more than the population of the territory can consistantly support; but if you desire to come here as a member of our church, we will welcome you as we do all others, and accord you our faith and good feeling.

Our System is one of faith in God, our Heavenly Father, and in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior, combined with a life of purity and good works, and of obedience to the Lord in all things. Our doctrines are based upon the revelations of God, handed down to us in the Bible, and Book of Mormon, as well as those given to His servants in these days. We seek, by these to regulate our actions that we may enjoy the blessing and approval of our Heavenly Father in this life and eternal happiness in the world to come.

Should you desire to learn more of our doctrines. I would respectfully refer you to Mr John Brown, 2006 North Fourteenth Street. St Louis, who can give you any information you need, or acquaint you with the whereabouts of any of the Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who may be traveling in your neighborhood.

Yours Respectfully;
[line cut off in typescript]