1868 November 20 Letter to Joseph S. Horne


1868 November 20 Letter to Joseph S. Horne


Horne is asked to serve as the Bishop in Gunnison. He should unite the people and build up the settlement under the guidance of the Spirit.




Brigham Young
George A. Smith
D. H. Wells


Joseph S. Horne


1868 November 20


Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Church Leadership


Salt Lake City. Utah Ter.
20 November 1868.

Elder Jos. S. Horne.
Salt Lake City.

Dear Brother,

In view of the resignation of Bishop H.H. Kearns of Gunnison, San Pete Co. we have deemed it wisdom to fill the vacancy thus made, by appointing you to act as the bishop of that settlement 

Brother Kearns will hand over to you the books, papers and other material belonging to the Tithing Office there, and will feel a pleasure in aiding you in every way in his power to take hold of matters understandingly and give you whatever information you need, appertaining to the correct carrying on of the business of the Tithing Office.

In Assuming your duties at Gunnison, the object of your labors must be to unite the hearts of the people and to establish and build up the settlement, of itself so beautifully situated and naturally favored. That you may do so acceptably unto the Lord seek Him diligently for His Holy Spirit, in constant prayer and humility, whilst the experience gained on your foreign mission, will aid you materially in being useful in building up the Kingdom of God, in this responsible position to which you are now called.

May the blessing of the Lord attend you in your labors, and direct you in all your movements and teachings is the prayer of

Your Brethren in the Gospel.
Brigham Young
Geo. A. Smith
D.H. Wells