1868 November 30 Letter to N. B. Baldwin


1868 November 30 Letter to N. B. Baldwin


Baldwin's son should not trouble himself with dreams and visions. He should teach gospel principles and bless the Saints.




Brigham Young


N. B. Baldwin


1868 November 30


Salt Lake City
Fillmore City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Financial Matters


Salt Lake City. U.T.
30 November 1868.

Mr. N.B. Baldwin
Fillmore City

Dear Brother:-

Your letter of the 26th inst is received with accompanying enclosures. In return, please find draft for £3.11.4 drawn on Albert Carrington Esq. Liverpool in your son's favor.

When next you write to your son tell him not to trouble himself with such things as he writes about on the scrap you forward in your letter and which I herewith return, and if he has any dreams or visions or supposed-manifestations on this subject let him leave them alone, and direct his thoughts and enerjies to the preaching of the first principles of the Gospel with the power and influence of the Holy Spirit, and to the comforting and blessing of the saints amongst whom he labors that he may return to his home with joy and satisfaction, having accomplished the mission to which he has been called

Praying the Lord to bless you, I remain,
Your brother,

Brigham Young