1868 December 2 Letter to Edward Kelly


1868 December 2 Letter to Edward Kelly


Brigham expresses gratitude for a journal article that tells the truth about the Saints. The good weather is allowing for accelerated work on the railroad.




Brigham Young


Reverend Edward Kelly


1868 December 2


Salt Lake City
Marysville, California


Building and Construction


Salt Lake City. U.T.
2 December 1868

Rev. Ed. Kelly
Marysville Cala.

Dear Sir:-

I was much pleased to receive your favor of the 17th ult. as well as to peruse your communication to the "San Francisco Monitor," It is so seldom we are privileged to read communications in the public journals stating the simple facts with regard to our conduct and behavior to those who may sojourn in our midst, that when a friend does come forward and tell the truth about us we appreciate it all the more from the rarety of the occurance.

In answer to your kind inquiries, I am happy to say that through the blessing of the Lord my health is very good; remarkably so for this season of the year. We are however enjoying some of the most beautiful weather we ever experienced in this country, clear and bright all the time, warm days with but little frost at night. This we regard as a blessing from on High, as amongst other benefits it confers on us, it accelerates the labors of the engineers and workers on the lines of the Railroad that are now so quickly approaching these valleys, to whose advent we look forward as the harbengers of a day when the influence of pure religion and true civilization shall extend from pole to pole to bless and elevate all the children of this earth.

Again thanking you for your kind consideration, and expressions of regard.

I remain, as ever
Yours Very Truly.

Brigham Young