1868 December 28 Letter to A. A. Goosse


1868 December 28 Letter to A. A. Goosse


Glass jars would be widely used if sold at a sufficiently low price. This will be possible once the railroad is complete.




Brigham Young


A. A. Groosse


1868 December 28


Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters


Salt Lake City,
Decbr 28th 1868.

Mr.A.A. Groosse
With Mr. S.B. Rowley,
509. Market St., Philadelphia,

Dear Sir,

Your favor of 17th inst. with accompanying circulars, is to hand. At present we have no glass manufactory in this Territory and the fruit we preserve, which is a very large quantity, is put down in earthenware jars, manufactured here, or imported glass jars. The latter would doubtless be almost universally used, could they be sold here at sufficiently low figures to compete with the home manufactured earthen articles.

It is probable when the railway is completed to this valley, they will be brought here sufficiently cheap to ensure a very large sale.

As soon as the railroad is completed far enough to insure a speedy transit for goods, I intend to send for a quantity of your jars for my own use, through one of the merchants of this city.

I shall take pleasure in drawing the attention of consumers in these parts to your Ware.

Believe me to remain,
Yours very respectfully,

Brigham Young