1868 December 30 Letter to H. B. Clawson


1868 December 30 Letter to H. B. Clawson


Clawson is asked to purchase supplies for Sister Young's millinery business.




Brigham Young


H. B. Clawson


1868 December 30


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters
Business Matters


Salt Lake City
30th Dec. 1868

H.B. Clawson

Dear Bro.
Accompanying you will please find a Bill of Goods; they are for one of my wives who intend commencing the millinery business.

I am willing you should purchase to the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) & fill the bill as far as that will or in Trimmings; -- such as Bugles: buttons, Braid Sewing Thread &c. Articles now most in fashion.

Bill of Trimming for Dresses.
Buttens big velvet, jets, medium size.
Fringe best quality; silk and bugle.
Velvet by the bolt; variety of width & colour mostly black.
Bugle trimming and nail head trimming Steel and Jet do.
Worsted braids; variety of colors, mostly black
Narrow ribbon various colors.
Hooks and Eyes; Cambric; different colors.
Slate color and white drilling.
Machine Silk;--A.B.C. O No. Mostly black.
Thread various colors No. from 30 to 60.
Velvet cloth black. light material.
Cheneele; variety of colors. White lace different width.
Whalebones. Stays for Ladies
Madam Demorest's Book "Mirror of Fashions."

Harriet Emeline Young.
Brigham Young